Business introduction

We identify the core of the MIT problem that is growing as an IoT specialized company,
and apply it to the field with an appropriate solution.

IT consulting

We provide comprehensive IT consulting such as IT strategy establishment, process innovation and standardization consulting optimized for industry characteristics and business strategies to improve business performance of clients.

  • IT diagnosis consulting

    Establishing information strategies for
    optimizing corporate IT environment

  • Process innovation (PI)

    Establishing effective/efficient business improvement
    measures from the perspective of business process

  • Infrastructure and security consulting

    Safe business environment and security system
    Supporting stable operation by configuring the optimal operating
    environment through infrastructure construction

  • IT Supervision

    Checking and improving to secure efficiency/stability of
    the system building process

  • IT Diagnosis consulting

    IT level diagnosis : Through an objective evaluation of the company's IT level, employees' IT awareness is raised, and effective improvement plans for the organization's IT investment/operation/management are established and directions for improvement are presented.

    IT structural diagnosis : Through an objective evaluation of the company's IT environment, structural diagnosis of the IT infrastructure and systems in use is made to repair and suggest directions for improvement and development.

  • Process innovation (PI)

    Strategy linkage : PI/ISP linked with strategy: Establishment alignment system
    IT innovation
    :PI/ISP that induces IT innovation
    : PI/ISPD capable of performance evaluation and measurement: Monitoring possible

    MIT provides PI(Process Innovation) service, a process that standardizes and improves the processes performed by companies in order to improve the customer's work productivity and provide the best work environment.

  • Infrastructure and security consulting

    Information security consulting such as systems and networks
    Source, web, system vulnerability diagnosis and analysis
    Security infrastructure diagnosis and analysis

    We operate the security/network infrastructure environment more stably and effectively by identifying problems and risk factors for diverse security/network environments operated by customers.

  • IT supervision

    To achieve the objectives of the supervisory client. The IT supervisor ensures time efficiency by delivering professional and fast information about what they receive from clients to the supervisor.

    Checking whether legal requirements are complied with in the supervision client's business and improving problems. IT supervisor secures the safety of information security with the confidentiality and availability integrity of business or documentation.

MIT Co., Ltd. diagnoses the IT environment, analyzes it, and derives a problem-solving method to
diagnose the direction of improvement, maximizes resource utilization, and secures operational efficiency.