Smart Manufacturing Innovation Leader
Metaverse Information Technology
We create safer and more efficient
sites with advanced technology
We analyze problems occurring in the field from the customer's point of view and
provide the most advanced solutions that are needed the most in the field.



Smart factory

Building a customized smart factory with minimum cost and time!

  • A factory with an intelligent integrated management system by combining ICT with the traditional manufacturing industry
  • Magic-MES : Development with individual technique as a core software for building a smart factory
  • Powerful field network solution
  • Innovative process improvement and quality improvement



XR technology that reduces working time and cost Reduced facility down-time by introducing a non-face-to-face collaboration system

  • Reducing safety accidents and tracking accident history through
  • long-distance monitoring
  • Reduction of working time and cost with time remote system
  • Content can be utilized on diverse devices


Artificial intelligence

An AI-driven system that provides a new level of flexibility

  • Improving customer and employee experience
  • Overcoming computing system limitations and radically changing the computer environment
  • Actively conducting research and investment in diverse fields


Smart farm

Controling and managing the growing environment of crops and livestock in an optimal state by combining ICT!

  • Real-time collection and diagnosis of necessary information from farms such as temperature, humidity, and CO2
  • It checks the disease and nutrition of crops and provides the optimal environment to reduce damage from pests
  • Resolving the problem of labor shortage, reducing labor costs and simply reducing labor force
  • Remote environmental information monitoring, equipment control in mobile environments


IT consulting

Providing comprehensive IT consulting such as process innovation and standardization consulting to improve the management performance of the client company

  • IT diagnostic consulting: Establishing Information strategies for optimizing the enterprise's IT Environment
  • PI: Establishing effective/efficient business improvement plan from the perspective of business process
  • Infrastructure and security consulting
  • IT supervision: Checking and improving to secure efficiency/stability in the system building process


(주)엠아이티 - 동명대학교 응급구조학과와 산합혁약 체결


(주)엠아이티 - 독일 하노버 산업 박람회 Hannover Messe 2024 성료


(주)엠아이티 - 라스베가스 소비자전자제품 박람회 CES 2024 성료


Certification Status

We obtained diverse certificates necessary for business activities.


MIT is recognized by major customers for its best quality and technology.

O p t i m i z e v a r i o u s p l a t f o r m s , c o m p l e x h e t e r o g e n e o u s e n v i r o n m e n t s .

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Customer support

his is the space to deliver big and small news at MIT.

Competitive MIT with various system integration and development experiences





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